Eenie meenie miney mo how many
Eenie meenie miney mo how many

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I would have expected a more dramatic response from the children of the other two brothers, but not Joe's.

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Joe was the only Schrader brother whose actions in impregnating my grandmother would have not been scandalous. I understood the inherently bizarre nature of my request and the emotional response that could come from the results of it. And of course, I was somewhat empathetic. He may have slammed the door on the prospect of testing, but I wanted him to be clearly aware that I was still waiting on the other side of it. My email reply was effused with gratitude for his response and consideration, and I urged him and his family to contact me if they had any further questions. This man in Dowagiac would be my source for "Joe DNA".

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The additional bonus of having the son living nearby was that I could also utilize his DNA to perform a Y-DNA analysis, which would be the presumed paternal lineage of my mother if Joe Schrader was confirmed to be her father. I did not want to gamble on a test kit being lost in transit or deal with a participant reconsidering and throwing the test (and a hundred bucks) away. I favored proximity in finding a relative to test so that I could collect the saliva sample in person and keep control of the test kit. The three daughters were all living in California, but the son was still living in Dowagiac, and he had an identifiable Facebook account. He and his second wife had one son and three daughters between 19. He remarried in 1950, and spent the remainder of his life in Dowagiac, Michigan, where he died in 2009. He moved back to the area, and like his brother Ted, spent forty years working for Tyler Refrigeration in Niles. Upon his return to Michigan with his new bride, he chose Battle Creek as his home rather than his old home town, and it was here that he and his wife divorced in 1945, having had no children together. Having joined the Army on 1 June 1942 from Kalamazoo, he was sent to the air corps training base in Spokane, Washington, where he met and married his first wife, Doris Arlene Walker, later that year. Born in 1920 in Dowagiac, Michigan, he did a little more wandering than his older two brothers.

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Joseph Russell "Joe" Schrader was the last of the brothers for my consideration, and ideally the best candidate of the three. So my mother's connection to the niece of Russell Hath was confirmed as a valid one in the bigger Daugherty picture. I do so love when numbers work in my favor. Add one more generation removed from that to place Briana Rieman in the picture, and the match should be theoretically 0.391%. Her similarity to Brian Ryder was 0.70% with an expected value of 0.781% with their relationship of half-second cousin, once removed. Checking this Hath niece to those already tested showed her closest match to be with Kenneth Ryder at 2.94%, which fits with the expected 3.125% match since they are half-first cousins, once removed. The figures received from anyone when compared to my mother mean nothing if the person does not fit appropriately when compared to known relatives! This whole blog came about because of a surprise just like that. And as an aside, for those who are reading this as an informal tutorial on finding a missing parent or grandparent using DNA, the one other thing I did with this genetic information was to compare it to the rest of the people I had already tested.

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